Upcoming Adoption Event – Webinar Book Your Place on 26th March

Upcoming Adoption Event – Webinar Book Your Place on 26th March

Make sure you book your place on our next adoption webinar! Find out how you can sign up and why you should attend below:

Do you want to find out more about adoption? Are you considering adopting a child but don’t know where to start? Perhaps you are also thinking about fostering and the differences between the two.

My Adoption Family in association with My Foster Family will be holding some webinar events over the course of the year to enable you to get all the answers you need and ask questions with our expert panel.

We have a number of upcoming adoption webinars for you to find out about adopting a child. Whether you have a question about family arrangements, accommodation, finances or what it is like to adopt a child, we will be on hand to have your questions answered by experts in the industry.

Here at My Adoption Family we want to aid you in giving you the support you need to successfully adopt a child. We believe that bridging the gaps that are currently existent in the industry is paramount when it comes to having more foster carers from Black and Asian backgrounds. We welcome all enquiries from anyone interested in adoption and hope that you will find out upcoming webinars beneficial to your individual journey

My Adoption Family caters for a diverse range of families in England looking to begin their own journey in adopting a child.

We believe that adopting a child is a rewarding and life-changing decision that can transform the life of a child and give them a family they deserve.

Our upcoming webinar is on the following date of:

Friday 26th March 2021 at 8pm via Zoom

If you would like to book a place on the webinar events go to Zoom.us/join  Meeting ID: 898 1982 1511

Keep updated on our website for more information of upcoming webinars which are to be scheduled on the topic of adoption and fostering over the next few months!

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