5 Ways to get a work-life balance whilst being a parent

5 Ways to get a work-life balance whilst being a parent

Ever wondered how to work towards achieving that work-life balance whilst being a parent? My Adoption Family has got some tips for you on how to do just that!

Get into a routine. You may be thinking you have heard this one before, but I cannot reiterate how important it is to create some routines when managing multiple kids. It is often helpful to get the kids used to a routine so they get familiarised with set bed times and bath times. Inevitably, things don’t always go to plan and there are days when the kids just don’t want to go to sleep at the time they should be or make it a point to want another bedtime story and when that’s over, they want another story and then another just to stay up! I was starting to feel that I should handover all storytelling to my husband as by sure fire they would always fall asleep with his stories! The trick is to keep persevering in establishing a routine and eventually it will all fall into place.

I often find it helpful getting my children to get their homework done as soon as possible after school. This helps to avoid the early morning, last minute panic of spectacular chaos just before going out the front door when the kids shout “Mom I haven’t finished my homework yet!”.

Avoid procrastination. This can be a tricky one to get your head round but it is a must in order to get things done in the day. I am human and sometimes talking a bit longer over the phone or grabbing another extra coffee (when I really don’t need to) often comes to mind.  However, with the responsibility of raising a large family procrastination needs to be a thing of the past. Honing your time and doing tasks productively enables you to save time and gives you more time to relax once its all done. You will feel better being on top of things and it helps to take the stress away that comes with the package of managing multiple kids!

Plan meals. With a large family of different personalities, likes and dislikes getting the kids to decide on their choice of dinner is not the best idea with a hundred different options that erupt from left, right and centre. YouTube has become one of my best friends with the array of international and healthy recipes that I have learnt to entertain and delight the kids with. It certainly helps to bulk shop and stock up that can save trips to the grocery store. You can also plan meals ahead of the week once you get your groceries in order and this help’s to save time deciding on what’s for dinner.

Have some ‘me’ time. Sometimes I forget what ‘me’ time actually is but have realised that it is actually an important element in getting the balance right when managing kids. Whether your ‘me’ time involves going for a stroll, having a dinner with your partner, meeting your best friend or just having a well deserved bubble bath make sure to fit it in at some point in the week. This will help to refresh and re-energize. Give it a try and see the difference it makes in your day.

De-stress by de-cluttering. Trust me a cluttered house with a large family is inevitable but getting on top of the clutter can help you feel less stressed and more relaxed.  In my house we have organized a space for everything and the kids know where things need to be put back. However, toys will find there way around the whole house but getting the kids to help out when they are old enough can help to put things back in their place and make the room tidier. Many times we have either passed down clothes that don’t fit the kids anymore or given to charity and it is worth getting rid of any items that are just building dust on the mantle piece or in draws.

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