Welcome to My Family Group

Be part of the conversation to improve the lives of Muslim-heritage children in care.

We’re looking for 100 businesses that want to work with us to champion the needs of children in care. Be there for them. Join hands with us. Click here for more information.

Our Annual Roundtable Report on Muslim-Heritage Children in Care: Supporting Identity and Wellbeing sets out a mandate for change. Join the conversation and see what you can do to Change a Life.

"It takes a community to raise a child"

With the obligation we have as a community to the child in care at the heart of what we do, our work is motivated and informed by our faith and we believe the duty to support children in care is a fundamental one that will be a testimony to how we as a community supported the most vulnerable in our society.

About My Family Group

Working to ensure every child who comes into care secures a loving and nurturing home

My Family Group is a collective of initiatives designed to improve the lives of children in care. We work to ensure every child who comes into care secures a loving and nurturing home that meets their needs, strengthens their identity and prepares them for adult life. My Family Group has steadily grown to include a number of services that meet the often complex needs of Muslim-heritage children in the care system. It is a member of Children England and works collaboratively with colleagues from across the sector for the betterment of Muslim-heritage children in care, and better understanding and practice across the care sector.

Our vision is to see every Muslim-heritage child who comes into care, find a home that meets their needs, strengthens their identity and prepares them for adult life. We aim to do this by raising awareness and influencing policy around children in care, by working to ensure that appropriate support is there for them and their carers and by promoting training and best practice to ensure better outcomes for care experienced people.

About My Family Group pic

Our Values

Putting People First

We are child and family centred and everything we do is for foster carers, children and young people.

Celebrating Diversity

We believe that whatever our differences, everyone should be treated with the same respect.

Freeing Potential

We strive to uphold the right of every young person to make the most of his or her life.

Closer Communities

We are committed to building a loving, nurturing home with respect and within a well connected and supported safer community.

Living & Working with Integrity

We will always go out of our way to do the right thing with the best interest of the child at heart.

What we do

Working to continiously evolve, grow and develop in response to the needs of Muslim heritage children in care.

My Family Group works with care sector organisation agencies and government authorities across the UK to realise our vision. Over the years, our work has received recognition and accolade, for example we have been highlighted as an example of innovative and good practice including by the DfE in their Fostering Better Outcomes report. Our work includes:

Recruitment & Connection

Recruitment & training of Muslim foster carers and adopters to meet the growing need within England. We provide gift boxes to Muslim-heritage children in care before each Eid and work with their carers and social workers to get them better connected to their local Muslim communities and Mosques.

Faith & Cultural Awareness

We provide faith and cultural awareness training to the teams and organisations we work with, and support their engagement with their local Muslim communities. We also have a range of faith and cultural awareness events to support non-Muslim carers of Muslim heritage children.

Influencing Policy

We also work collaboratively with organisations and local authorities to raise awareness and influence policy around fostering and adoption, to support the recruitment of diverse foster carers and adopters and to promote a positive sense of identity that ensures better outcomes for care- experienced Muslim heritage youth.

My Family Group what we do pic

Our Initiatives

Incepted in 2017, My Family Group has grown and evolved to include a collective of initiatives all designed to improve the lives of children in care.

Muslim Foster Network

A bespoke, faith sensitive fostering recruitment service and support network for Muslim foster carers. The Muslim Fostering Network provides essential educational resources and training for foster carers in cross cultural placements with Muslim children.

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My Adoption Family

A recruitment, training and outreach service for adoption agencies focusing on engagement with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and faith communities, as well as a support network for adopters from diverse backgrounds. A member of the National Adoption Recruitment Steering Group (NARSG).

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My Foster Family

A recruitment, training and outreach service dedicated to working with fostering services to help inspire individuals from diverse communities to become foster carers.

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Arise Refugees

A mentoring, education and sports programme dedicated to supporting unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children (UASCs) and refugee young people. The programme aims to provide stability and build aspirations for children and young people who lack strong social networks and access to their community.

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Our Partners

Adopt North East Logo
Independent Adoption Agency

Adopt North East

Barnardo’s Logo
Independent Fostering Agency


Bradford University Logo

Bradford University

Brighton & Hove City Council Logo
Local Authority

Brighton & Hove City Council

Fostering Hampshire Children Logo
Local Authority

Fostering Hampshire Children

Home for Good Logo
Independent Adoption Agency

Home for Good

Infinity Foster Care Logo
Independent Fostering Agency

Infinity Foster Care

Leeds City Council Logo
Local Authority

Leeds City Council

Lewisham London Borough Council Logo
Local Authority

Lewisham London Borough Council

Morrisons Logo


PwC Logo


Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Logo
Local Authority

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council